Children in Worship
We enthusiastically welcome children in worship. A children’s corner is available for families with children that prefer to stretch and move during worship. Children’s bulletins are available. Most children and families attend the 10:00 a.m. service, but children and families are welcome at any service!
Our mission:
We strive to encourage and equip believers of all ages to be transformed by the Word and Spirit of God, so that we may become more like Jesus. Children are a central part of our identity and mission. We believe children should be included in worship and make a point to actively welcome them. Education is hands-on, with lessons that strive to bring learning to life. Children are introduced to the bible, worship and outreach from an early age.
Our schedule:
Church School is offered at St. Thomas during the 10:00 a.m. service. Children leave at the beginning of the service and return during the exchange of the peace. Children experience a fun, interactive lesson that brings scripture to life. We believe faith formation happens throughout the week and look for ways to encourage families in teaching their children discipleship.